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Full story here: Looking forward, climbing up

I have one big regret about the story I’ve written–I was unable to incorporate her essence.

Wasfia is clearly smart. She’s strong headed, strong hearted, and has the kind of presence and confidence I can only dream about having. There’s no embarrassed or false humility in the way she talks about her accomplishments–to her, it’s all just matter of fact and you can’t help but see things her way too.

Her mission is certainly admirable, it’s difficult and arduous and she’s taken it on with a smile.

Sitting and talking to her, it felt like less of an interview and more like a hang out session with a friend. She’s so down to earth and I liked her immediately.

Opening up about herself and her life, she takes it all in stride. She’s free spirited and beautiful–but she’ll laugh and talk about funny pooping experiences while making her way up some of the tallest peaks.

What I find most incredible about her is the fact that she has no regrets. None. Now that’s a life lived, and she’s only 29.

More than anything, I hope she succeeds.


Full story here: Rural women taking Nepal forward 

Women amaze me. Not only because I am one, but because there drive and the dedication my sex has amazes me.

When I did this story I had the honor of meeting some incredible woman. One look at them and you could easily brush them off as ‘village people’ but as soon as the mic is passes, the things they say, the wisdom they have and just how progressive they are–it sure made me reevaluate what I thought of them.

Women like these make me thing Nepal’s future will be alright.

March 2012